Our Promise
We promise to provide high quality eggs at an affordable price while caring for our hens, the environment and our communities.

Whether you choose Classic Free Range, Free Range Organic or Organic Pasture Raised, our seals are designed to let you know that you're enjoying eggs from hens who have the freedom to explore the outdoors.

Free Range Seal
Free Range hens have access to the outdoors everyday to enjoy all the benefits of nature, including fresh air and the warming rays of the sun, and a safe coup to sleep in at night.

Pasture Raised Seal
Pasture Raised hens have daily access to rotated pastures. Each hen has at least 108sq ft of land to herself to explore. That’s more than 10 ft. X 10 ft. per hen!
Quality & Transparency
You know we care about the quality of our eggs, the health and wellbeing of our hens and the environment. But don’t just take our word for it. You can enjoy our eggs with the confidence of knowing we’ve gone through a range of independent, third-party certifications.

Certified Humane®
When you see the Certified Humane® Raised & Handled logo on all of our eggs, you can be assured that we’ve met precise, objective standards focused on kinder and more responsible hen care. To learn more visit: https://certifiedhumane.org/.

USDA Certified Organic
Our organic eggs meet all of the stringent requirements for USDA Organic certification. To learn more visit: https://www.usda.gov/topics/organic.

Non-GMO Project Verified
The Non-GMO Project Product Verification Program is North America’s most rigorous third-party verification for non-GMO food and products. This label tells you that our hen ate a non-GMO diet compliant with the Non-GMO Project Standard. To learn more visit: https://www.nongmoproject.org/.

Orthodox Union Kosher
The Kosher Certification signifies that all of our eggs, production facilities and operations have met rabbinic Agency requirements and adhere to Kosher Law. To learn more visit: https://oukosher.org/.

Classic Free Range
The original ramblers.
Packed with flavor and nutritional goodness, our Classic Free Range eggs are fresh from hens raised on small, family-owned farms, with the freedom to roam and an appetite for the great outdoors.

Seriously Tasty
All that fresh air and sunshine gives The Farmer’s Hen’s eggs some major flavor. With their rich yolks and nourishing whites, you’ll always be craving the taste of freedom.

A Nutritious Meal
Our Classic Free Range eggs are rich in iron, vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids, and have over 12% of your recommended daily protein needs.

Free Range Organic
Crack open goodness.
Our Free Range Organic Eggs come from some of the most loved hens in the land and are USDA Certified Organic. After one bite you’ll know what organic is all about.

Organic flavor
Taste the benefits of organic in every bite. With their natural sunshine colored yolks, our Free Range Organic eggs are packed full of pure goodness and exceptional flavor.

Our Free Range Organic eggs have an impressive resume. They are Certified USDA Organic and proudly wear The Farmer’s Hen Free Range seal of approval!

Organic Pasture Raised
Home on the range.
Our Organic Pasture Raised hens enjoy foraging on fields of grass and wildflowers, taking in the sun, and spreading their wings under clear blue skies. They also lay some pretty spectacular eggs.

Just wait until you try an egg from one of our great explorers. All that fresh air and foraging leads to some unbelievably flavorful eggs, with rich, orange yolks.

Our pasture-raised hens enjoy a minimum of 108 sq. ft. of outdoor space. Humanely raised with ethical care practices, this makes for happier hens.